This article shares frequently asked questions and answers regarding the Walmart Scintilla reports (Formerly known as Luminate)
- Do I need a new link to access the Scintilla powered PBI reports?
Yes, to access the Walmart Scintilla reports, you will need a new URL. If your team has already been onboarded, you should have received the new URL from the InfoSource team. If you need the URL again, please email and our team will resend the link.
- How often can we expect the Scintilla powered PBI reports to update?
Once the data in the Scintilla powered PBI reports has been validated, we can expect the Scintilla powered PBI reports to update every weekday in the late afternoon as the data becomes available. Once the update is complete, the reports will reflect the data from the previous day.
- How do I remove filters from my reports?
If you have selected filters and want them removed, click the refresh button in the top right corner.
- How do I submit a support ticket?
There are two ways to submit a support ticket.
1. Email in a new email thread and a ticket will be opened
2. Open the Knowledge Base in the top right of the reports and click File Support Ticket.
- Will my saved bookmarks carry over?
As we continue to make improvements to the Scintilla Power BI Reports, any bookmarks you save in this environment may be deleted when we push a new update. We expect to reduce the frequency of republishing the reports once the Scintilla PBI Reports reach a certain level of stability. In the meantime, please screenshot the filters you've selected on your bookmark in case you need to recreate them in the future.
- Will my items in the Scintilla Power BI Reports be attributed in the same way as they are in the DSS Power BI Reports?
Yes, at the moment we are continuing to maintain item attribution in the DSS Power BI Reports, but we've slowed progress to focus on developing a more streamlined process for the Scintilla Power BI Reports. In the meantime, please use the UPC filter in Scintilla Power BI app to track specific items. Once the streamlined process is complete, we will proceed with item attribution in the Scintilla Power BI Reports and stop attribution in the DSS Power BI Reports.