How Does the CMA's New or Existing Brands Filter Work?

An item's status as "New" or "Existing" depends on the timeframe you've selected.

To be considered an “Existing”, an item/SKU would need to be sold in both the “TY” timeframe and the “LY” timeframe (for whatever timeframe is chosen). For an item/ SKU to be considered "New" it would need to have sold in the "TY" timeframe but not in the "LY" timeframe. 

For example, on the Ranker dashboards, with the Brand Levels parameter set to "SKU", we select only “New Brands” in the New or Existing brands filter. Our timeframe is L52wks. The chart populates a group of SKUs in the chart which are determined to be "New" because they scanned during the current (TY) 52 week time period. Now, if we change the timeframe from L52wks to L13wks, some of the SKUs in the chart may disappear. Those would be SKUs which didn't scan in the last 13 weeks. 

With the timeframe set to L13wks, if an item sold in both the "TY" 13 week time period and the "LY" 13 week time period, it would be considered "Existing".

Some SKUs are not “New Brands” or “Existing Brands”. Items which didn’t sell in the selected “TY” or “LY” timeframes would not be considered "New" or "Existing" and will only show up in the charts if "ALL" is selected in the New or Existing Brands filter. For instance, if the CMA's timeframe is L13wks and the week ending date is 12/19/21, but a 4pk only recorded sales from 6/13/21 – 9/12/21, it would not fit into the TY L13wks or the LY L13wks.

When the Brand Levels parameter is set to BRAND, rather than SKU, the New or Existing Brands Filter works a little differently, because it's taking the scans of all items which fit under a certain brand umbrella into account. For instance, if there are 3 different SKUs under a single brand umbrella (e.g., a 6pk, a 12pk, and a single 19.2oz can), it's possible that the 12pk only sold in the LY 13wk timeframe and the 6pk and 19.2oz can only sold in the TY 13wk timeframe. The brand as a whole would be considered "Existing" because the brand as a whole sold in both the TY and LY 13wk timeframes.