Item Maintenance / Omit Trait Forms
When and how to use the Item Maintenance Forms?
- Formatting: All store numbers requested for trait need to meet a 6 digit format, with zeroes “filling in the blanks”. (Ex., Store 1 should read as 900001. Ex., 5260 would read as 905260)
- Keep in mind, there are some 3-4 digit Super Traits. These should not be prefaced with the 90 formatting.
- Limits: Send and Omit traits have a 30 (store and/or) trait limit in both send and omit fields.
- Distributors can apply the No Store Send (87771) as a placeholder, if they’re uncertain of stores to trait and we can apply the distributor trait
- Multiple item numbers in a state, get rid of the wrong ones, Omit form, omit trait 87771
- Active item is in the wrong state - trait maintenance
- Latest forms can be found in clients Live Aisle