How are the metrics in the InfoSource Power BI platform calculated?
TABLE_NAME | Object Name | Definition |
CalendarWeek | 52 Weeks | Defining which 52 Week interval a week represents based on current date i.e. TY or LY (for this year or last year) |
CalendarWeek | FW | Fiscal Week |
CalendarWeek | FY | Fiscal Year |
CalendarWeek | Month LY | The last WM Week of Month from Prior year |
CalendarWeek | Month Name | Month in MMM YYYY format i.e. Mar 2018 |
CalendarWeek | Month Prev | the prior WM Week Month |
CalendarWeek | Month Seq | Incrementing Month Name Column identifying oldest to latest Months in table |
CalendarWeek | Quarter Name | Quarter in QQ YYYY format i.e. Q1 2018 |
CalendarWeek | Week | Full Date version of the WM Week End Date |
CalendarWeek | Week LY | Full Date version of the WM Week End Date last year |
CalendarWeek | Week Name | Walmart's Week in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851 |
CalendarWeek | Week Name LY | Walmart's Week last year in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851 |
CalendarWeek | Week Seq | Incrementing Week Name Column identifying oldest to latest Weeks in table |
ClientAttributes | BU Division | Custom Field for Sales Division |
CRP | ABDM | Authorized by Distribution Method (Current) DSD states use the Mod Flag from Retail Link to track authorized stores (Traited/Valid not applicable for DSD Item Numbers) **VAP items are not 'Authorized' so you will need to use '0' in filter to view these items ***Non-DSD states use Trait Flag to track authorized stores |
CRP | AverageLast4 | Last 4 weeks of Sales / Last 4 weeks of OH days |
CRP | AverageLast4Units | Last 4 weeks of POS Qty / Last 4 weeks of OH days |
CRP | Brand | Product Brand |
CRP | Cat | Product Category |
CRP | Curr Str in Transit Qty | Current Store In Transit Quantity |
CRP | Curr Str In Whse Cost | Current Store In Warehouse Cost |
CRP | Curr Str In Whse Qty | Current Store In Warehouse Quantity |
CRP | Curr Str On Hand Cost | Current Store On Hand Cost |
CRP | Curr Str On Hand Qty | Current Store On Hand Quantity |
CRP | Curr Str On Order Qty | Current Store On Order Quantity |
CRP | Current | Current Cost |
CRP | Current - 1 | Cost 1 Week Ago |
CRP | Current - 2 | Cost 2 Weeks Ago |
CRP | Current - 3 | Cost 3 Weeks Ago |
CRP | Current - 4 | Cost 4 Weeks Ago |
CRP | Current + 1 | Cost 1 Week Out |
CRP | Current + 2 | Cost 2 Weeks Out |
CRP | Current + 3 | Cost 3 Weeks Out |
CRP | Current + 4 | Cost 4 Weeks Out |
CRP | CurrOHOO | Current Items On Hand or On Order |
CRP | DaysOHL4 | Number of Days Items were On Hand in the Last 4 Weeks |
CRP | DaysOOSCurrWk | Number of Days Item is OOS for the Current Week |
CRP | Distribution Warehouse | Applicable to Warehouse states only; CA, AZ, FL type 20 products |
CRP | Future Effective Date | Proposed date item will go live |
CRP | Future VNPK Cost | Future Vendor Pack Cost |
CRP | Hist On Hand Qty | Historical On Hand Quantity |
CRP | HO < SS | Flag denoting the Home Office Retail is less than the Store Specific Retail |
CRP | HO <> SS Rtl | Flag denoting the Home Office Retail is Not Equal to Store Specific Retail |
CRP | HO Clearance | Home Office Clearance Flag i.e., 0 = Not on Clearance; 1 = On Clearance |
CRP | HO Retail | Home Office Retail Price |
CRP | Instock | Flag denoting items are either On Hand or On Order |
CRP | Item Nbr | Walmart Item Number or can be a SIM supplier item number |
CRP | L4Wk POS Qty | Units Sold for Last 4 Weeks |
CRP | L4Wk POS Sales | Sales $ for Last 4 Weeks |
CRP | Last 4Wk Forecast | Sum of 'Current -1' through 'Current -4' values |
CRP | Last Refresh Date | Date the data was merged in the database from Retail Lync |
CRP | Lost Sales | Average Last 4wks Sales $ multiplied by the Days OOS for current week |
CRP | Lost Units | Average Last 4wks Units sold multiplied by the Days OOS for current week |
CRP | Margin | Margin expressed as a percentage (Store Retail - Store Cost)/Store Retail |
CRP | Markup | (Store Retail - Store Cost)/Store Cost |
CRP | Min Markup | Applicable for the states that have a mandated minimum markup |
CRP | Mod | Modular i.e. approved item |
CRP | Modular Catg Desc | Category in which modular is located i.e. ADULT BEVERAGE |
CRP | Modular Catg Nbr | Walmart's Category ID i.e. 96 |
CRP | Modular Dept Desc | Department where modular is located i.e. BEER BULK |
CRP | Modular Dept Nbr | Walmart's Department Number |
CRP | Modular Discontinue Date | Date the Display will be Discontinued |
CRP | Modular Effective Date | Date the Display is Established |
CRP | Modular Items Flag | Represents whether an item is on display; value is either 1 or 0 |
CRP | Modular Linear Footage | Modular Size in Linear Feet |
CRP | Modular Plan Description | Modular Name, Store Number, Size and State |
CRP | Neg Markup | Flag denoting where a Markup is below 0% |
CRP | Negative Margin | Flag denoting an instance where there is a Negative Margin |
CRP | Negative On Hands | Flag denoting an instance of Negative On Hands i.e. returns |
CRP | No Movement | Flag denoting an instance of Stale Sales |
CRP | Order Book Flag | ? Y or N value |
CRP | POS Qty | Number of units sold |
CRP | Prime Item Nbr | Walmart's Prime Item Number |
CRP | Pull Date | Date the Data was pulled from Retail Lync |
CRP | Retail Minimum Markup | A markup floor only applicable in certain states. |
CRP | St | State |
CRP | Store Nbr | Walmart Store Number |
CRP | Store Specific Cost | Cost to Acquire Item to Sell at Store |
CRP | Store Specific Retail | Retail Price of Item at Store |
CRP | Str Clearance | Flag denoting a Store Clearance Item |
CRP | Traited_Current | Flag denoting current Traited status |
CRP | UPC | Universal Product Code |
CRP | Valid_Current | Flag denoting current Valid status |
CRP | VNPK Cost | Vendor Pack Cost |
CRP | VNPK Qty | Number of units in the Vendor Pack |
CRP | WHPK Cost | The cost of a Warehouse Pack |
CRP | WHPK Qty | Number of units in a Warehouse Pack |
CRP | WHPK Sell | Selling Price of a Warehouse Pack |
CRP | WM Week | Walmart Week Number in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851 |
CRP | Zero Forecast | Flag denoting no forecast price data for next 4 weeks |
CRP | Zero On Hand On Order | Flag denoting no items are On Hand or On Order |
DstMthd | Buyer | Walmart Buyer's Name |
DstMthd | BuyingRegion | Walmart's Buying Region |
DstMthd | Category | Product Category |
DstMthd | Dept | Walmart's Department Code |
DstMthd | Dept Category | Walmart's Department Category Name |
DstMthd | Distribution Method | Method of Distribution |
DstMthd | Retail Minimum Markup | Minimum Markup required |
DstMthd | Subcategory | Walmart's Subcategory |
DtrbtrAttributes | Distributor | Distributor Name |
DtrbtrAttributes | Vendor Name | Vendor Name |
DtrbtrAttributes | Vendor Nbr | Vendor Number |
FcstWks | Fcst | Measure calculating the forecast values |
FcstWks | FcstWk | Value denoting between 4 weeks back to 4 weeks ahead on current week in WM Week intervals |
FcstWks | Indx | Value awarding 1-9 valuation based on earliest to latest week in FcstWks table |
FcstWks | SlsLYvFcstWks | Measure calculating units sold last year Week in perspective of Fcst Week |
FcstWks | SlsvFcstWks | Measure calculating units sold this year in perspective of FcstWk |
FcstWks | WkNbr | Walmart Week Number in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851 |
LastRefreshDate | LastRefresh | Timestamp that the Power BI data model refreshed |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | % of OH Units | Divides on hand units for selected values against all on hand units for current WM Week |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | 4 Week Forecast | Sums the forecast numbers from 1-4 weeks out |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Average Btl x VNPK Qty | Calculates Average (Bottle Cost x Vendor Pack Quantity) where the store specific cost is greater than $.01 |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Average Modular Size | Calculates Average (Modular Linear Footage) |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Below Min Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where there is a minimum markup |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Btl Cost x VNPK Qty | Calculates (Bottle Cost x Vendor Pack Quantity) |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Clearance Home Retail Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where there is a Home Office Clearance |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Clearance Store Retail Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where there is a Store Clearance |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Below Minimum Mark Up Items | Calculates the number of instances where there is a minimum markup |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Days OH | Calculates number of days an item is on hand |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Home Clearance Retails | Calculates the number of instances where there is a Home Office Clearance |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Negative Margin Items | Calculates the number of instances where there is a negative margin |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Negative On Hand Items | Calculates the number of instances where there is negative on hands |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of No Movement Items | Calculates the number of instances where there is no movement |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Store Clearance Retails | Calculates the number of instances where there is a Store Clearance |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Store Updates Required | Calculates the number of instances where Home Office and Store Specific Prices are not equal to each other |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Zero Forecast | Calculates the number of instances where there is Zero Forecast for CAO/CR or Whse Distribution Methods |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Zero OH | Calculates the number of instances where there is no on hands |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Count of Zero On Hand Zero On Order | Calculates the number of instances where there is Zero On Hands and On Orders for CAO/CR or Whse Distribution Methods |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Current HO Retail | Calculates Average Home Office Retail Price |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Current WM Week | Calculates Current Walmart Week |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Days Out of Stock | Calculates number of days an item is on out of stock |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Days Out of Stock this week | Calculates number of days an item is on out of stock for the current WM Week |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Distinct Mod Count | Calculates distinct number of Modulars |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Distinct Store Count | Calculates distinct number of Stores |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | HO vs SS $ | Store Specific Retail - Home Office Retail |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | HO vs SS %▲ | (Store Specific Retail - Home Office Retail)/Store Specific Retail |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Home Office Retail | Calculates average home office retail price |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | In Transit Units | Calculates number of units in transit |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | In Warehouse Units | Calculates number of units in warehouse |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Instock % | Stores with on hands/current points of distribution |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last 13 Weeks POS Units | Calculates units sold in the last 13 weeks |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last 13 Weeks Sales | Calculates $ Sales in the last 13 weeks |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last 4 Week Forecast | Calculates the sum of price variations over the last 4 weeks |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last 4 Weeks POS Units | Calculates units sold in the last 4 weeks |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last 4 Weeks Sales | Calculates $ Sales in the last 4 weeks |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last 4 Weeks Units + Current | Calculates number of units sold last 4 weeks plus current week |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Last Week Sold | Calculates the latest WM Week where items were sold |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Margin | Calculates the average margin |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Markup | Calculates the average markup |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Max OH | Not in Heineken |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Mod Cat Nbr | Sum of modular category number |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Mod Count | Count of modulars |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Mod Footage | Sum of Linear feet of modulars |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Mod Section | Sum of modular section number |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Mod Sequence | Sum of modular sequence number |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Mod Store Count | Count of stores with modulars |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Most Common Current HO Retail | Calculates the top ranked home office retail price when ranked in descending order |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Neg Margin Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where there is a negative margin |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Neg OH Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where there is negative on hands |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | No Mvmt Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where there is no movement |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | On Hand Units | Calculates sum of on hand units |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | On Order Units | Calculates sum of on order units |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | OOS Lost Qty | Calculates sum of lost units |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | OOS Lost Sales | Calculates sum of lost sales |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Out Of Stock % | Calculates out of stock percentage |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Out of Stock Item/Store | Calculates out of stocks |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | POD Current | Calculates points of distribution |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Price per oz HO | Calculates home office price per ounce |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Price per oz SSR | Calculates store specific price per ounce |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Sold Units to Forecast % Difference | (Last 4 Weeks POS Units-Last 4 Weeks Forecast)/Last 4 weeks POS units |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Sold Units to Forecast Difference | Last 4 Weeks POS Units-Last 4 Weeks Forecast |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Store Count Current | Store Count for Current WM Week |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Store Retail | Calculates average store specific retail price |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Store Update Cnt | Calculates the number of instances where Home Office and Store Specific Prices are not equal to each other |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Stores w OH | Calculates number of stores that have instock items |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Total Pipeline | Calculates number of units on hand, on order, in transit and in warehouse. |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Total ABDM | Calculates number of ABDM (Authorized By Distribution Method) item/store combinations in the current WM Week |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Ttl Curr Traited | |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Ttl Curr Valid | |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Updated | Expression to display last close of business day in data |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | VNPK Cost | Calculates sum of the vendor pack costs |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Warehouse On Hand Quantity | Calculates sum of warehouse on hand quantity |
PerformanceCurrentMeasures | Weeks of Supply | Calculates how many weeks of on hands there are in comparison to the average sold units over either a 4 or 13 wk period If there are no units sold in the last 4 weeks, then it looks to a 13-week average |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | 4 Week Moving Average Sales | Calculates a moving 4-week average of sales $ |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | All Sales | Calculates sales for all selected stores |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average $'s/Str % Change | Calculates percent change in sales per store from this Walmart week to last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Dollars Per Store Last Year | Calculates average sales per store for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Dollars Per Store Per Week | Calculates average sales per store for current year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Dollars Per Store Per Week w/o 0 | Calculates average sales per store for current year's Walmart week only where sales were greater than 0 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Retail | Sales $ / Units sold |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Retail % Change | (Average Retail-Average Retail Last Year)/Average Retail Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Retail Change | Average Retail-Average Retail Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Retail Last Year | Calculates 'Average Retail' for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Units Per Store Last Year | Calculates 'Average Units Per Store Per Week' for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Units Per Store Per Week | Calculates number of units sold by number of stores for this Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Units Per Store Per Week w/o 0 | Calculates number of units sold by number of stores for this Walmart week where units sold is greater than 0 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Average Units/Str % Change | (Average Units Per Store Per Week - Average Units Per Store Last Year)/Average Units Per Store Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Avg Sales LY | Calculates average sales per store for current year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Avg Traited | Calculates number of traited Items |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Avg U wo0 LY | Not in Heineken |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Avg Valid | Calculates number of valid items |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent | Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for units sold for current Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent % Change | (Case Equivalent-Case Equivalent Last Year)/Case Equivalent Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent Change | Case Equivalent-Case Equivalent Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent HX OH | Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for historic on hand quantity for current Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent HX OH % Change | (Case Equivalent HX OH - Case Equivalent HX OH LY)/Case Equivalent HX OH LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent HX OH Change | Case Equivalent HX OH - Case Equivalent HX OH LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent HX OH LY | Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for historic on hand quantity for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent Last Year | Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for net ship units for current Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent Received | Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for current WM Week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent Received % Change | (Case Equivalent Received - Case Equivalent Received Last Year)/Case Equivalent Received Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent Received Change | Case Equivalent Received - Case Equivalent Received Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Case Equivalent Received Last Year | Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for net ship units for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Cost | Calculates the sum of POS cost |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Cost % Change | (Cost - Cost Last Year)/Cost Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Cost Change | Cost - Cost Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Cost Last Year | Calculates the sum of POS cost last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Distinct Modular Sales | Number of distinct modulars for current Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | DistinctStoreCount_S | Count of distinct stores |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri On Hand Qty | Sum of Friday on hand quantity |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri On Hand Qty % Δ | (Fri On Hand Qty/Fri On Hand Qty LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri On Hand Qty Actual Δ | Fri On Hand Qty-Fri On Hand Qty LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri On Hand Qty LY | Sum of Friday on hand quantity last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Sales | Sum of Friday sales |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Sales % Δ | (Fri Sales/Fri Sales LY) - 1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Sales Actual Δ | Fri Sales-Fri Sales LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Sales LY | Sum of Friday sales for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Units | Sum of Friday units |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Units % Δ | (Fri Units/Fri Units LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Units Actual Δ | Fri Units-Fri Units LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Fri Units LY | Sum of 'Fri Units' for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Margin | (Sales - Cost)/Sales |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Margin of Net Ship Cost | (Sales - Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost)/Sales |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Profit | Sales - Cost |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Profit % Change | (Gross Profit - Gross Profit Last Year)/Gross Profit Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Profit Last Year | Sales Last Year - Cost Last Year ***Calculating for Walmart week last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Profit over Net Ships | Sales - Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Gross Profit Over Net Ships % Change | Calculates a percentage change for Gross Profits over Net Ships from current Walmart week to last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Index | (Average Dollars Per Store Per Week/All Selected's Average Dollars Per Store Per Week) *100 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Instock % FYTW | Calculates days on hand divided by total days for the fiscal year to week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Instock % Last 4 Weeks | Calculates days on hand divided by total days for the last 4 weeks |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Instock % Last Week | Calculates days on hand divided by total days for last week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Instock Trend % | Count of days on hand divided by total days |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Last Net Ship Btl Cost | Calculates net ship cost divided by net ship units for the latest Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mark Up % | (Sales - Cost)/Cost |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mark Up % of Net Ships | (Sales - Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost)/Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mod Cnt Sales | Calculates distinct store count where there is a modular flag |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mod Store Cnt % Δ | (Mod Cnt Sales/Mod Store Cnt Sales LY) -1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mod Store Cnt Sales LY | Calculates 'Mod Cnt Sales' for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon On Hand Qty | Sum of Monday on hand quantity |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon On Hand Qty % Δ | (Mon On Hand Qty/Mon On Hand Qty LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon On Hand Qty Actual Δ | Mon On Hand Qty-Mon On Hand Qty LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon On Hand Qty LY | Sum of Monday on hand quantity last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Sales | Sum of Monday sales |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Sales % Δ | (Mon Sales/Mon Sales LY) - 1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Sales Actual Δ | Mon Sales - Mon Sales LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Sales LY | Sum of Monday sales for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Units | Sum of Monday units |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Units % Δ | (Mon Units/Mon Units LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Units Actual Δ | Mon Units-Mon Units LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Mon Units LY | Sum of 'Mon Units' for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD $ Actual Δ | MUMD $'s - MUMD $'s LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD $'s | Total expense (in dollars) of markdowns for an item, for the time specified |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD $'s % Change | (MUMD $'s - MUMD $'s LY)/MUMD $'s LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD $'s LY | Total expense (in dollars) of markdowns for an item, for the time specified for Walmart week last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD Units | Number of units that were marked up or down |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD Units % Δ | (MUMD Units/MUMD Units LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD Units Actual Δ | MUMD Units-MUMD Units LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | MUMD Units LY | Number of units that were marked up or down for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Change | Net Ship Units - Net Ship Units Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Units | Sum of Net Ship Quantity |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Units % Change | (Net Ship Units - Net Ship Units Last Year)/Net Ship Units Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Units Last Year | Net Ship Units calculated for Walmart week last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Unit Cost | Net Ship Cost/Net Ship Units |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Cost | Sum of Net Ship Cost |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Cost % Δ | Net Ship Cost/Net Ship Cost LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Cost LY | Net Ship Cost for Walmart week last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Rtl | Sum of Net Ship Retail |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Rtl % Δ | Net Ship Rtl/Net Ship Rtl LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Rtl LY | Net Ship Rtl of Walmart week last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Units % Change | (Net Ship Units - Net Ship Units Last Year)/Net Ship Units Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Ship Units Last Year | Net Ship Units for Walmart week last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Net Unit Cost % Change | (Net Unit Cost-(Net Ship Cost LY/Net Ship Units Last Year) *** for all selected fields)/ (Net Ship Cost LY/Net Ship Units Last Year) *** for all selected fields |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | On Hand % Change | (On Hand Last Week - On Hand by Week Last Year)/ On Hand by Week Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | On Hand by Week | Historical (week ending on hand quantity) number of units on hand at store level |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | On Hand by Week Last Year | On Hand by Week' for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Percentage of Sales | Sales of an item/store combination divided by ALL sales. |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales | Sum of Sales $ |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales % Change | (Sales-Sales Last Year)/Sales Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales average per Str Nbr/Name | Calculates the average sales per store |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales Change | Sales-Sales Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales FYTW | Sum of Sales $ for suppliers/distributors fiscal year to current Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales FYTW % Change | (Sales FYTW/Sales FYTW LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales FYTW LY | Sales FYTW for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales L52 | Sum of Sales $ for the last 52 weeks |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales L52 % Change | (Sales L52/Sales L52 LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales L52 LY | Sales L52 for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales Last Fiscal Year | Sales for suppliers/distributors for fiscal year of last year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales Last Year | Sales for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sales vs Average | Sales - 4 Week Moving Average Sales |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | SPPD | Sales per point of distribution |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store Count | Distinct store count where sales are greater than 0 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store Count % Change | (Store Count-Store Count Last Year)/Store Count Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store Count Change | Store Count-Store Count Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store Count Last Year | Distinct store count where sales are greater than 0 for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store/Item | Number of Store/Item combinations |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store/Item Selling | Number of Store/Item combinations where sales is greater than 0 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store/Item Selling % Change | (Store/Item Selling-Store/Item Selling Last Year)/Store/Item Selling Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Store/Item Selling Last Year | Store/Item Selling for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Str Cnt w/zeros | Distinct count of stores |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Str/Item Selling Δ | Store/Item Selling - Store/Item Selling Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun On Hand Qty | Sum of Sunday on hand quantity |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun On Hand Qty % Δ | (Sun On Hand Qty/Sun On Hand Qty LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun On Hand Qty Actual Δ | Sun On Hand Qty-Sun On Hand Qty LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun On Hand Qty LY | Sum of Sunday on hand quantity last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Sales | Sum of Sunday sales |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Sales % Δ | (Sun Sales/Sun Sales LY) - 1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Sales Actual Δ | Sun Sales-Sun Sales LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Sales LY | Sum of Sunday sales for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Units | Sum of Sunday units |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Units % Δ | (Sun Units/Sun Units LY)-1 |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Sun Units LY | Sun Units-Sun Units LY |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Units | Sum of units sold |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Units % Change | (Units-Units Last Year)/Units Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Units Change | Units-Units Last Year |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Units Last Year | Sum of units sold for last year's Walmart week |
PerformanceTrendMeasures | Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost | Number of units sold divided by the average net ship cost |
PrdctAttributes | 9 dgt Vndr Nbr | This is a combination of the 6-digit vendor number with the 2-digit Walmart department code and the sequence number for the vendor (what location the product is coming from) i.e. 123456 + 96 + 1 to get '123456961' for your 9 dgt Vndr Nbr |
PrdctAttributes | Acct Dept Nbr | Walmart's department code |
PrdctAttributes | Active Item | Flag denoting if item is listed as 'Active' |
PrdctAttributes | Brand | Product Brand |
PrdctAttributes | BU | Customized Item Description |
PrdctAttributes | Buyer Name | Walmart Buyer's Name |
PrdctAttributes | Buyer Nm | Not Used |
PrdctAttributes | Buyer User ID | Buyer User ID |
PrdctAttributes | Cat ID | Walmart's Category ID |
PrdctAttributes | Category | Category from STX perspective |
PrdctAttributes | CE Divisor | Case Equivalent Divisor |
PrdctAttributes | Consumer ID | Consumer ID Number |
PrdctAttributes | Dept Category Desc | Walmart's Category Description |
PrdctAttributes | Dept Category Group Desc | Walmart's Category Group Description |
PrdctAttributes | Dept ID | Category ID from STX perspective |
PrdctAttributes | Dept Subcategory Desc | Walmart's Subcategory Description |
PrdctAttributes | Fineline | Walmart's Fineline Description |
PrdctAttributes | Fineline Nbr | Walmart's Fineline Number |
PrdctAttributes | Varietal | Flavor from STX perspective |
PrdctAttributes | GMM Full Name | Market Manager Name |
PrdctAttributes | Item Desc 1 | Walmart's Item Description 1 |
PrdctAttributes | Item Desc 2 | Walmart's Item Description 2 |
PrdctAttributes | Item Description | Item Description Cleaned by STX |
PrdctAttributes | Item ID | ? Completely Blank |
PrdctAttributes | Item Number | Walmart's Item Number |
PrdctAttributes | Item Status | ? A, D, I or Blank |
PrdctAttributes | Item Sub Type | Walmart's Item Subtype (Defines Distribution Type) |
PrdctAttributes | Item Type | Walmart's Item Type (Defines Distribution Type) |
PrdctAttributes | MDSE Segment Desc | Merchandise Segment Description |
PrdctAttributes | New Item | New item flag |
PrdctAttributes | New to Walmart | Details of a new item if flagged |
PrdctAttributes | Prime Item Desc | Item Description provided for the Prime Item |
PrdctAttributes | Prime Item Nbr | Master item number provided by Walmart for a Prime Item |
PrdctAttributes | Prime Size Desc | Size Description provided for the Prime Item |
PrdctAttributes | Size | Size |
PrdctAttributes | Subbrand | Subbrand |
PrdctAttributes | SubCategory | Subcategory |
PrdctAttributes | TypeVarietal | Flavor or variant |
PrdctAttributes | Unit Size UOM | Unit of Measure (Used to provide 9 Liter equivalents) |
PrdctAttributes | UPC | Universal Product Code |
PrdctAttributes | UPC Code | Universal Product Code (without the leading 0's) |
PrdctAttributes | UPC Text | Universal Product Code (in text format with leading 0's) |
PrdctAttributes | VAP | Value Added Product i.e. giftbox w/ additional gift |
PrdctAttributes | VAP Detail | Provides value of VAP and Year i.e. VAP 2019 |
PrdctAttributes | Vendor | Vendor Description (Curated by STX) |
PrdctAttributes | Vndr Name | Vendor Description provided in Walmart Base Data |
PrdctAttributes | Vndr Nbr | Vendor Number provided in Walmart Base Data |
PrdctAttributes | Vndr Nbr Dept | Vendor Number Dept. provided in Walmart Base Data |
PrdctAttributes | Vndr Pack Cost | Cost of a Vendor Pack |
PrdctAttributes | Vndr Pack Qty | Number of units in a Vendor Pack |
PrdctAttributes | Vndr Stk Nbr | Vendor Stock Number |
PrdctAttributes | Whse Pack Cost | Cost of a Warehouse Pack |
PrdctAttributes | Whse Pack Qty | Number of units in a Warehouse Pack |
PrdctAttributes | Whse Pack Sell | Price of a Warehouse Pack |
PrdctAttributes | Whse Pack UPC | Universal Product Code of a Warehouse Pack |
Sls | ABDM | Authorized By Distribution Method DSD states use the Mod Flag from Retail Link to track authorized stores (Traited/Valid not applicable for DSD Item Numbers) **VAP items are not 'Authorized' so you will need to use '0' in filter to view these items ***non-DSD states use Trait Flag to track authorized stores |
Sls | Brand | Product Brand |
Sls | Cat | Product Category |
Sls | CE Divisor | Case Equivalent Divisor |
Sls | Current HO Retail | Home Office Retail (Price? Cost?) |
Sls | Days | Number of Days that have passed in the current week |
Sls | Days OH | Number of days On Hand |
Sls | Days OOS | Number of Days OOS in the current week |
Sls | Hist On Hand Qty | Historical On Hand Quantity |
Sls | Mod | An integer representation of 'Modular Items Flag' i.e. 1 or 0 |
Sls | Modular Items Flag | Represents whether an item is on display; value is either "M" or "" |
Sls | POS Qty | Total units Sold for Walmart timeframe selected |
Sls | POS Sales | Total Sales $ for Walmart timeframe selected |
Sls | Sat On Hand Qty | Sum of Saturday on hand quantity |
Sls | Sat Qty | Sum of Saturday POS unit quantity sold |
Sls | Sat Sales | Sum of Saturday's sales dollars |
Sls | SI MUMD Qty | ??? Store Inventory unit quantity that has been Marked Up or Marked Down |
Sls | SI Total MUMD $ | ??? Store Inventory dollar quantity that has been Marked Up or Marked Down |
Sls | Sls Period | Determinant of whether Sales were present at store/item/WM Week level |
Sls | St | State Abbreviation i.e. NH, FL, MO, MS |
Sls | Store Number | Store Number |
Sls | StoreItemKey | KEY: Concatenate = (Store Number, and Item Nbr) |
Sls | Sun On Hand Qty | Sum of Sunday on hand quantity |
Sls | Sun Qty | Sum of Sundays POS unit quantity sold |
Sls | Sun Sales | Sum of Sunday's sales dollars |
Sls | Thu On Hand Qty | Sum of Thursday on hand quantity |
Sls | Thu Qty | Sum of Thursday POS unit quantity sold |
Sls | Thu Sales | Sum of Thursday's sales dollars |
Sls | Traited | Is the Item Traited at WM Location |
Sls | Tue On Hand Qty | Sum of Tuesday on hand quantity |
Sls | Tue Qty | Sum of Tuesday POS unit quantity sold |
Sls | Tue Sales | Sum of Tuesday's sales dollars |
Sls | UOM | Unit of Measure |
Sls | Valid | Is the Item Valid at WM Location |
Sls | Wed On Hand Qty | Sum of Wednesday on hand quantity |
Sls | Wed Qty | Sum of Wednesday POS unit quantity sold |
Sls | Wed Sales | Sum of Wednesday's sales dollars |
Sls | WM Week | Walmart Week |
SlssStat | Sls%ChgL4 | Percentage of Sales Change for the last 4 Walmart weeks |
SlssStat | SlsChg | Sales Change for selected Walmart timeframe |
SlssStat | Status | Active Status |
StoreTraitDesc | Trait Category | Walmart assigned Category Geographic Traits by category |
StoreTraitDesc | Trait Description | Walmart assigned Category Graphics traits description |
StoreTraitDesc | Trait Long Description | Walmart assigned Category Graphics traits description |
StoreTraits | Store Nbr | Walmart Store Number |
Wrhse | Active Whse Pack Qty Whse Ordered | ??? Warehouse pack that was ordered by the warehouse |
Wrhse | Active Whse Pack Qty Whse Received | ??? Warehouse pack received that was ordered by the warehouse |
Wrhse | Curr Whse On Hand Qty | Sum of Warehouse on hand quantity |
Wrhse | Curr Whse SS Order Qty | Current order quantity for specific store from Warehouse |
Wrhse | Item Nbr | Walmart Item Number |
Wrhse | UPC | Item UPC - eaches |
Wrhse | VNPK Cost | the Cost Walmart pays for the vendor pack |
Wrhse | WHPK Cost | the Cost Walmart pays for the Warehouse pack |
Wrhse | WHPK Qty | Total quantity shipped to the store in each warehouse pack |
Wrhse | Whse Name | Name of Walmart Warehouse |
Wrhse | Whse Nbr | Warehouse Number |
Wrhse | Whse Received Qty | Warehouse packs received at the Warehouse |
Wrhse | Whse State | State Warehouse is located |
ClientAttributes | ASM | Area Sales Manager |
ClientAttributes | Brand | Product Brand |
ClientAttributes | BU_Region | Custom Field for Sales Region |
ClientAttributes | Key | Used in relationship to connect to the Sls fact table |
ClientAttributes | WM Store Nbr |
Wal Mart Store Number |
Performance Trend Measure | Case Equivalent |
calculation for 9L is to multiply the units by the unit of measure and divide by 9,000. |