InfoSource Power BI Metrics

How are the metrics in the InfoSource Power BI platform calculated?

TABLE_NAME Object Name Definition
CalendarWeek 52 Weeks Defining which 52 Week interval a week represents based on current date i.e. TY or LY (for this year or last year)
CalendarWeek FW Fiscal Week
CalendarWeek FY Fiscal Year
CalendarWeek Month LY The last WM Week of Month from Prior year
CalendarWeek Month Name Month in MMM YYYY format i.e. Mar 2018
CalendarWeek Month Prev the prior WM Week Month
CalendarWeek Month Seq Incrementing Month Name Column identifying oldest to latest Months in table
CalendarWeek Quarter Name Quarter in QQ YYYY format i.e. Q1 2018
CalendarWeek Week Full Date version of the WM Week End Date
CalendarWeek Week LY Full Date version of the WM Week End Date last year
CalendarWeek Week Name Walmart's Week in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851
CalendarWeek Week Name LY Walmart's Week last year in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851
CalendarWeek Week Seq Incrementing Week Name Column identifying oldest to latest Weeks in table
ClientAttributes BU Division Custom Field for Sales Division
CRP ABDM Authorized by Distribution Method (Current) DSD states use the Mod Flag from Retail Link to track authorized stores (Traited/Valid not applicable for DSD Item Numbers) **VAP items are not 'Authorized' so you will need to use '0' in filter to view these items ***Non-DSD states use Trait Flag to track authorized stores
CRP AverageLast4 Last 4 weeks of Sales / Last 4 weeks of OH days
CRP AverageLast4Units Last 4 weeks of POS Qty / Last 4 weeks of OH days
CRP Brand Product Brand
CRP Cat Product Category
CRP Curr Str in Transit Qty Current Store In Transit Quantity
CRP Curr Str In Whse Cost Current Store In Warehouse Cost
CRP Curr Str In Whse Qty Current Store In Warehouse Quantity
CRP Curr Str On Hand Cost Current Store On Hand Cost
CRP Curr Str On Hand Qty Current Store On Hand Quantity
CRP Curr Str On Order Qty Current Store On Order Quantity
CRP Current Current Cost
CRP Current - 1 Cost 1 Week Ago
CRP Current - 2 Cost 2 Weeks Ago
CRP Current - 3 Cost 3 Weeks Ago
CRP Current - 4 Cost 4 Weeks Ago
CRP Current + 1 Cost 1 Week Out
CRP Current + 2 Cost 2 Weeks Out
CRP Current + 3 Cost 3 Weeks Out
CRP Current + 4 Cost 4 Weeks Out
CRP CurrOHOO Current Items On Hand or On Order
CRP DaysOHL4 Number of Days Items were On Hand in the Last 4 Weeks
CRP DaysOOSCurrWk Number of Days Item is OOS for the Current Week
CRP Distribution Warehouse Applicable to Warehouse states only; CA, AZ, FL type 20 products
CRP Future Effective Date Proposed date item will go live
CRP Future VNPK Cost Future Vendor Pack Cost
CRP Hist On Hand Qty Historical On Hand Quantity
CRP HO < SS Flag denoting the Home Office Retail is less than the Store Specific Retail
CRP HO <> SS Rtl Flag denoting the Home Office Retail is Not Equal to Store Specific Retail
CRP HO Clearance Home Office Clearance Flag i.e., 0 = Not on Clearance; 1 = On Clearance
CRP HO Retail Home Office Retail Price
CRP Instock Flag denoting items are either On Hand or On Order
CRP Item Nbr Walmart Item Number or can be a SIM supplier item number
CRP L4Wk POS Qty Units Sold for Last 4 Weeks
CRP L4Wk POS Sales Sales $ for Last 4 Weeks
CRP Last 4Wk Forecast Sum of 'Current -1' through 'Current -4' values
CRP Last Refresh Date Date the data was merged in the database from Retail Lync
CRP Lost Sales Average Last 4wks Sales $ multiplied by the Days OOS for current week
CRP Lost Units Average Last 4wks Units sold multiplied by the Days OOS for current week
CRP Margin Margin expressed as a percentage (Store Retail - Store Cost)/Store Retail
CRP Markup (Store Retail - Store Cost)/Store Cost
CRP Min Markup Applicable for the states that have a mandated minimum markup
CRP Mod Modular i.e. approved item
CRP Modular Catg Desc Category in which modular is located i.e. ADULT BEVERAGE
CRP Modular Catg Nbr Walmart's Category ID i.e. 96
CRP Modular Dept Desc Department where modular is located i.e. BEER BULK
CRP Modular Dept Nbr Walmart's Department Number
CRP Modular Discontinue Date Date the Display will be Discontinued
CRP Modular Effective Date Date the Display is Established
CRP Modular Items Flag Represents whether an item is on display; value is either 1 or 0
CRP Modular Linear Footage Modular Size in Linear Feet
CRP Modular Plan Description Modular Name, Store Number, Size and State
CRP Neg Markup Flag denoting where a Markup is below 0%
CRP Negative Margin Flag denoting an instance where there is a Negative Margin
CRP Negative On Hands Flag denoting an instance of Negative On Hands i.e. returns
CRP No Movement Flag denoting an instance of Stale Sales
CRP Order Book Flag ? Y or N value
CRP POS Qty Number of units sold
CRP Prime Item Nbr Walmart's Prime Item Number
CRP Pull Date Date the Data was pulled from Retail Lync
CRP Retail Minimum Markup A markup floor only applicable in certain states.
CRP St State
CRP Store Nbr Walmart Store Number
CRP Store Specific Cost Cost to Acquire Item to Sell at Store
CRP Store Specific Retail Retail Price of Item at Store
CRP Str Clearance Flag denoting a Store Clearance Item
CRP Traited_Current Flag denoting current Traited status
CRP UPC Universal Product Code
CRP Valid_Current Flag denoting current Valid status
CRP VNPK Cost Vendor Pack Cost
CRP VNPK Qty Number of units in the Vendor Pack
CRP WHPK Cost The cost of a Warehouse Pack
CRP WHPK Qty Number of units in a Warehouse Pack
CRP WHPK Sell Selling Price of a Warehouse Pack
CRP WM Week Walmart Week Number in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851
CRP Zero Forecast Flag denoting no forecast price data for next 4 weeks
CRP Zero On Hand On Order Flag denoting no items are On Hand or On Order
DstMthd Buyer Walmart Buyer's Name
DstMthd BuyingRegion Walmart's Buying Region
DstMthd Category Product Category
DstMthd Dept Walmart's Department Code
DstMthd Dept Category Walmart's Department Category Name
DstMthd Distribution Method Method of Distribution
DstMthd Retail Minimum Markup Minimum Markup required
DstMthd Subcategory Walmart's Subcategory
DtrbtrAttributes Distributor Distributor Name
DtrbtrAttributes Vendor Name Vendor Name
DtrbtrAttributes Vendor Nbr Vendor Number
FcstWks Fcst Measure calculating the forecast values
FcstWks FcstWk Value denoting between 4 weeks back to 4 weeks ahead on current week in WM Week intervals
FcstWks Indx Value awarding 1-9 valuation based on earliest to latest week in FcstWks table
FcstWks SlsLYvFcstWks Measure calculating units sold last year Week in perspective of Fcst Week
FcstWks SlsvFcstWks Measure calculating units sold this year in perspective of FcstWk
FcstWks WkNbr Walmart Week Number in YYYYWW format i.e. 201851
LastRefreshDate LastRefresh Timestamp that the Power BI data model refreshed
PerformanceCurrentMeasures % of OH Units Divides on hand units for selected values against all on hand units for current WM Week
PerformanceCurrentMeasures 4 Week Forecast Sums the forecast numbers from 1-4 weeks out
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Average Btl x VNPK Qty Calculates Average (Bottle Cost x Vendor Pack Quantity) where the store specific cost is greater than $.01
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Average Modular Size Calculates Average (Modular Linear Footage)
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Below Min Cnt Calculates the number of instances where there is a minimum markup
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Btl Cost x VNPK Qty Calculates (Bottle Cost x Vendor Pack Quantity)
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Clearance Home Retail Cnt Calculates the number of instances where there is a Home Office Clearance
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Clearance Store Retail Cnt Calculates the number of instances where there is a Store Clearance
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Below Minimum Mark Up Items Calculates the number of instances where there is a minimum markup
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Days OH Calculates number of days an item is on hand
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Home Clearance Retails Calculates the number of instances where there is a Home Office Clearance
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Negative Margin Items Calculates the number of instances where there is a negative margin
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Negative On Hand Items Calculates the number of instances where there is negative on hands
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of No Movement Items Calculates the number of instances where there is no movement
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Store Clearance Retails Calculates the number of instances where there is a Store Clearance
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Store Updates Required Calculates the number of instances where Home Office and Store Specific Prices are not equal to each other
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Zero Forecast Calculates the number of instances where there is Zero Forecast for CAO/CR or Whse Distribution Methods
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Zero OH Calculates the number of instances where there is no on hands
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Count of Zero On Hand Zero On Order Calculates the number of instances where there is Zero On Hands and On Orders for CAO/CR or Whse Distribution Methods
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Current HO Retail Calculates Average Home Office Retail Price
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Current WM Week Calculates Current Walmart Week
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Days Out of Stock Calculates number of days an item is on out of stock
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Days Out of Stock this week Calculates number of days an item is on out of stock for the current WM Week
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Distinct Mod Count Calculates distinct number of Modulars
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Distinct Store Count Calculates distinct number of Stores
PerformanceCurrentMeasures HO vs SS $ Store Specific Retail - Home Office Retail
PerformanceCurrentMeasures HO vs SS %▲ (Store Specific Retail - Home Office Retail)/Store Specific Retail
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Home Office Retail Calculates average home office retail price
PerformanceCurrentMeasures In Transit Units Calculates number of units in transit
PerformanceCurrentMeasures In Warehouse Units Calculates number of units in warehouse
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Instock % Stores with on hands/current points of distribution
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last 13 Weeks POS Units Calculates units sold in the last 13 weeks
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last 13 Weeks Sales Calculates $ Sales in the last 13 weeks
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last 4 Week Forecast Calculates the sum of price variations over the last 4 weeks
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last 4 Weeks POS Units Calculates units sold in the last 4 weeks
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last 4 Weeks Sales Calculates $ Sales in the last 4 weeks
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last 4 Weeks Units + Current Calculates number of units sold last 4 weeks plus current week
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Last Week Sold Calculates the latest WM Week where items were sold
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Margin Calculates the average margin
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Markup Calculates the average markup
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Max OH Not in Heineken
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Mod Cat Nbr Sum of modular category number
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Mod Count Count of modulars
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Mod Footage Sum of Linear feet of modulars
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Mod Section Sum of modular section number
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Mod Sequence Sum of modular sequence number
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Mod Store Count Count of stores with modulars
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Most Common Current HO Retail Calculates the top ranked home office retail price when ranked in descending order
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Neg Margin Cnt Calculates the number of instances where there is a negative margin
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Neg OH Cnt Calculates the number of instances where there is negative on hands
PerformanceCurrentMeasures No Mvmt Cnt Calculates the number of instances where there is no movement
PerformanceCurrentMeasures On Hand Units Calculates sum of on hand units
PerformanceCurrentMeasures On Order Units Calculates sum of on order units
PerformanceCurrentMeasures OOS Lost Qty Calculates sum of lost units
PerformanceCurrentMeasures OOS Lost Sales Calculates sum of lost sales
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Out Of Stock % Calculates out of stock percentage
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Out of Stock Item/Store Calculates out of stocks
PerformanceCurrentMeasures POD Current Calculates points of distribution
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Price per oz HO Calculates home office price per ounce
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Price per oz SSR Calculates store specific price per ounce
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Sold Units to Forecast % Difference (Last 4 Weeks POS Units-Last 4 Weeks Forecast)/Last 4 weeks POS units
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Sold Units to Forecast Difference Last 4 Weeks POS Units-Last 4 Weeks Forecast
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Store Count Current Store Count for Current WM Week
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Store Retail Calculates average store specific retail price
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Store Update Cnt Calculates the number of instances where Home Office and Store Specific Prices are not equal to each other
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Stores w OH Calculates number of stores that have instock items
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Total Pipeline Calculates number of units on hand, on order, in transit and in warehouse.
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Total ABDM Calculates number of ABDM (Authorized By Distribution Method) item/store combinations in the current WM Week
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Ttl Curr Traited  
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Ttl Curr Valid  
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Updated Expression to display last close of business day in data
PerformanceCurrentMeasures VNPK Cost Calculates sum of the vendor pack costs
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Warehouse On Hand Quantity Calculates sum of warehouse on hand quantity
PerformanceCurrentMeasures Weeks of Supply Calculates how many weeks of on hands there are in comparison to the average sold units over either a 4 or 13 wk period
If there are no units sold in the last 4 weeks, then it looks to a 13-week average
PerformanceTrendMeasures 4 Week Moving Average Sales Calculates a moving 4-week average of sales $
PerformanceTrendMeasures All Sales Calculates sales for all selected stores
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average $'s/Str % Change Calculates percent change in sales per store from this Walmart week to last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Dollars Per Store Last Year Calculates average sales per store for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Dollars Per Store Per Week Calculates average sales per store for current year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Dollars Per Store Per Week w/o 0 Calculates average sales per store for current year's Walmart week only where sales were greater than 0
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Retail Sales $ / Units sold
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Retail % Change (Average Retail-Average Retail Last Year)/Average Retail Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Retail Change Average Retail-Average Retail Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Retail Last Year Calculates 'Average Retail' for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Units Per Store Last Year Calculates 'Average Units Per Store Per Week' for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Units Per Store Per Week Calculates number of units sold by number of stores for this Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Units Per Store Per Week w/o 0 Calculates number of units sold by number of stores for this Walmart week where units sold is greater than 0
PerformanceTrendMeasures Average Units/Str % Change (Average Units Per Store Per Week - Average Units Per Store Last Year)/Average Units Per Store Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Avg Sales LY Calculates average sales per store for current year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Avg Traited Calculates number of traited Items
PerformanceTrendMeasures Avg U wo0 LY Not in Heineken
PerformanceTrendMeasures Avg Valid Calculates number of valid items
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for units sold for current Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent % Change (Case Equivalent-Case Equivalent Last Year)/Case Equivalent Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Change Case Equivalent-Case Equivalent Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent HX OH Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for historic on hand quantity for current Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent HX OH % Change (Case Equivalent HX OH - Case Equivalent HX OH LY)/Case Equivalent HX OH LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent HX OH Change Case Equivalent HX OH - Case Equivalent HX OH LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent HX OH LY Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for historic on hand quantity for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Last Year Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for net ship units for current Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Received Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for current WM Week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Received % Change (Case Equivalent Received - Case Equivalent Received Last Year)/Case Equivalent Received Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Received Change Case Equivalent Received - Case Equivalent Received Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Case Equivalent Received Last Year Calculates the case equivalency (9L) for net ship units for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Cost Calculates the sum of POS cost
PerformanceTrendMeasures Cost % Change (Cost - Cost Last Year)/Cost Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Cost Change Cost - Cost Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Cost Last Year Calculates the sum of POS cost last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Distinct Modular Sales Number of distinct modulars for current Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures DistinctStoreCount_S Count of distinct stores
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri On Hand Qty Sum of Friday on hand quantity
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri On Hand Qty % Δ (Fri On Hand Qty/Fri On Hand Qty LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri On Hand Qty Actual Δ Fri On Hand Qty-Fri On Hand Qty LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri On Hand Qty LY Sum of Friday on hand quantity last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Sales Sum of Friday sales
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Sales % Δ (Fri Sales/Fri Sales LY) - 1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Sales Actual Δ Fri Sales-Fri Sales LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Sales LY Sum of Friday sales for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Units Sum of Friday units
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Units % Δ (Fri Units/Fri Units LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Units Actual Δ Fri Units-Fri Units LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Fri Units LY Sum of 'Fri Units' for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Margin (Sales - Cost)/Sales
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Margin of Net Ship Cost (Sales - Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost)/Sales
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Profit Sales - Cost
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Profit % Change (Gross Profit - Gross Profit Last Year)/Gross Profit Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Profit Last Year Sales Last Year - Cost Last Year                        ***Calculating for Walmart week last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Profit over Net Ships Sales - Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost
PerformanceTrendMeasures Gross Profit Over Net Ships % Change Calculates a percentage change for Gross Profits over Net Ships from current Walmart week to last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Index (Average Dollars Per Store Per Week/All Selected's Average Dollars Per Store Per Week) *100
PerformanceTrendMeasures Instock % FYTW Calculates days on hand divided by total days for the fiscal year to week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Instock % Last 4 Weeks Calculates days on hand divided by total days for the last 4 weeks
PerformanceTrendMeasures Instock % Last Week Calculates days on hand divided by total days for last week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Instock Trend % Count of days on hand divided by total days
PerformanceTrendMeasures Last Net Ship Btl Cost Calculates net ship cost divided by net ship units for the latest Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mark Up % (Sales - Cost)/Cost
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mark Up % of Net Ships (Sales - Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost)/Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mod Cnt Sales Calculates distinct store count where there is a modular flag
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mod Store Cnt % Δ (Mod Cnt Sales/Mod Store Cnt Sales LY) -1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mod Store Cnt Sales LY Calculates 'Mod Cnt Sales' for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon On Hand Qty Sum of Monday on hand quantity
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon On Hand Qty % Δ (Mon On Hand Qty/Mon On Hand Qty LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon On Hand Qty Actual Δ Mon On Hand Qty-Mon On Hand Qty LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon On Hand Qty LY Sum of Monday on hand quantity last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Sales Sum of Monday sales
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Sales % Δ (Mon Sales/Mon Sales LY) - 1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Sales Actual Δ Mon Sales - Mon Sales LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Sales LY Sum of Monday sales for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Units Sum of Monday units
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Units % Δ (Mon Units/Mon Units LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Units Actual Δ Mon Units-Mon Units LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Mon Units LY Sum of 'Mon Units' for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD $ Actual Δ MUMD $'s - MUMD $'s LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD $'s Total expense (in dollars) of markdowns for an item, for the time specified
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD $'s % Change (MUMD $'s - MUMD $'s LY)/MUMD $'s LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD $'s LY Total expense (in dollars) of markdowns for an item, for the time specified for Walmart week last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD Units Number of units that were marked up or down
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD Units % Δ (MUMD Units/MUMD Units LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD Units Actual Δ MUMD Units-MUMD Units LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures MUMD Units LY Number of units that were marked up or down for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Change Net Ship Units - Net Ship Units Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Units Sum of Net Ship Quantity
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Units % Change (Net Ship Units - Net Ship Units Last Year)/Net Ship Units Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Units Last Year Net Ship Units calculated for Walmart week last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Unit Cost Net Ship Cost/Net Ship Units
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Cost Sum of Net Ship Cost
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Cost % Δ Net Ship Cost/Net Ship Cost LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Cost LY Net Ship Cost for Walmart week last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Rtl Sum of Net Ship Retail
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Rtl % Δ Net Ship Rtl/Net Ship Rtl LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Rtl LY Net Ship Rtl of Walmart week last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Units % Change (Net Ship Units - Net Ship Units Last Year)/Net Ship Units Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Ship Units Last Year Net Ship Units for Walmart week last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Net Unit Cost % Change (Net Unit Cost-(Net Ship Cost LY/Net Ship Units Last Year) *** for all selected fields)/ (Net Ship Cost LY/Net Ship Units Last Year) *** for all selected fields
PerformanceTrendMeasures On Hand % Change (On Hand Last Week - On Hand by Week Last Year)/ On Hand by Week Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures On Hand by Week Historical (week ending on hand quantity) number of units on hand at store level
PerformanceTrendMeasures On Hand by Week Last Year On Hand by Week' for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Percentage of Sales Sales of an item/store combination divided by ALL sales.
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales Sum of Sales $
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales % Change (Sales-Sales Last Year)/Sales Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales average per Str Nbr/Name Calculates the average sales per store
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales Change Sales-Sales Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales FYTW Sum of Sales $ for suppliers/distributors fiscal year to current Walmart week 
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales FYTW % Change (Sales FYTW/Sales FYTW LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales FYTW LY Sales FYTW for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales L52 Sum of Sales $ for the last 52 weeks
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales L52 % Change (Sales L52/Sales L52 LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales L52 LY Sales L52 for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales Last Fiscal Year Sales for suppliers/distributors for fiscal year of last year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales Last Year Sales for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sales vs Average Sales - 4 Week Moving Average Sales
PerformanceTrendMeasures SPPD Sales per point of distribution
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store Count Distinct store count where sales are greater than 0
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store Count % Change (Store Count-Store Count Last Year)/Store Count Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store Count Change Store Count-Store Count Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store Count Last Year Distinct store count where sales are greater than 0 for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store/Item Number of Store/Item combinations
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store/Item Selling Number of Store/Item combinations where sales is greater than 0
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store/Item Selling % Change (Store/Item Selling-Store/Item Selling Last Year)/Store/Item Selling Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Store/Item Selling Last Year Store/Item Selling for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Str Cnt w/zeros Distinct count of stores
PerformanceTrendMeasures Str/Item Selling Δ Store/Item Selling - Store/Item Selling Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun On Hand Qty Sum of Sunday on hand quantity
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun On Hand Qty % Δ (Sun On Hand Qty/Sun On Hand Qty LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun On Hand Qty Actual Δ Sun On Hand Qty-Sun On Hand Qty LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun On Hand Qty LY Sum of Sunday on hand quantity last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Sales Sum of Sunday sales
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Sales % Δ (Sun Sales/Sun Sales LY) - 1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Sales Actual Δ Sun Sales-Sun Sales LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Sales LY Sum of Sunday sales for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Units Sum of Sunday units
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Units % Δ (Sun Units/Sun Units LY)-1
PerformanceTrendMeasures Sun Units LY Sun Units-Sun Units LY
PerformanceTrendMeasures Units Sum of units sold
PerformanceTrendMeasures Units % Change (Units-Units Last Year)/Units Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Units Change Units-Units Last Year
PerformanceTrendMeasures Units Last Year Sum of units sold for last year's Walmart week
PerformanceTrendMeasures Units x Weighted Net Ship Cost Number of units sold divided by the average net ship cost
PrdctAttributes 9 dgt Vndr Nbr This is a combination of the 6-digit vendor number with the 2-digit Walmart department code and the sequence number for the vendor (what location the product is coming from) i.e. 123456 + 96 + 1 to get '123456961' for your 9 dgt Vndr Nbr
PrdctAttributes Acct Dept Nbr Walmart's department code
PrdctAttributes Active Item Flag denoting if item is listed as 'Active'
PrdctAttributes Brand Product Brand
PrdctAttributes BU Customized Item Description
PrdctAttributes Buyer Name Walmart Buyer's Name
PrdctAttributes Buyer Nm Not Used
PrdctAttributes Buyer User ID Buyer User ID
PrdctAttributes Cat ID Walmart's Category ID
PrdctAttributes Category Category from STX perspective
PrdctAttributes CE Divisor Case Equivalent Divisor
PrdctAttributes Consumer ID Consumer ID Number
PrdctAttributes Dept Category Desc Walmart's Category Description
PrdctAttributes Dept Category Group Desc Walmart's Category Group Description
PrdctAttributes Dept ID Category ID from STX perspective
PrdctAttributes Dept Subcategory Desc Walmart's Subcategory Description
PrdctAttributes Fineline Walmart's Fineline Description
PrdctAttributes Fineline Nbr Walmart's Fineline Number
PrdctAttributes Varietal Flavor from STX perspective
PrdctAttributes GMM Full Name Market Manager Name
PrdctAttributes Item Desc 1 Walmart's Item Description 1
PrdctAttributes Item Desc 2 Walmart's Item Description 2
PrdctAttributes Item Description Item Description Cleaned by STX
PrdctAttributes Item ID ?      Completely Blank
PrdctAttributes Item Number Walmart's Item Number
PrdctAttributes Item Status ?       A, D, I or Blank
PrdctAttributes Item Sub Type Walmart's Item Subtype (Defines Distribution Type)
PrdctAttributes Item Type Walmart's Item Type (Defines Distribution Type)
PrdctAttributes MDSE Segment Desc Merchandise Segment Description
PrdctAttributes New Item New item flag
PrdctAttributes New to Walmart Details of a new item if flagged
PrdctAttributes Prime Item Desc Item Description provided for the Prime Item
PrdctAttributes Prime Item Nbr Master item number provided by Walmart for a Prime Item
PrdctAttributes Prime Size Desc Size Description provided for the Prime Item
PrdctAttributes Size Size
PrdctAttributes Subbrand Subbrand
PrdctAttributes SubCategory Subcategory
PrdctAttributes TypeVarietal Flavor or variant
PrdctAttributes Unit Size UOM Unit of Measure (Used to provide 9 Liter equivalents)
PrdctAttributes UPC Universal Product Code
PrdctAttributes UPC Code Universal Product Code (without the leading 0's)
PrdctAttributes UPC Text Universal Product Code (in text format with leading 0's)
PrdctAttributes VAP Value Added Product i.e. giftbox w/ additional gift
PrdctAttributes VAP Detail Provides value of VAP and Year i.e. VAP 2019
PrdctAttributes Vendor Vendor Description (Curated by STX)
PrdctAttributes Vndr Name Vendor Description provided in Walmart Base Data
PrdctAttributes Vndr Nbr Vendor Number provided in Walmart Base Data
PrdctAttributes Vndr Nbr Dept Vendor Number Dept. provided in Walmart Base Data
PrdctAttributes Vndr Pack Cost Cost of a Vendor Pack
PrdctAttributes Vndr Pack Qty Number of units in a Vendor Pack
PrdctAttributes Vndr Stk Nbr Vendor Stock Number
PrdctAttributes Whse Pack Cost Cost of a Warehouse Pack
PrdctAttributes Whse Pack Qty Number of units in a Warehouse Pack
PrdctAttributes Whse Pack Sell Price of a Warehouse Pack
PrdctAttributes Whse Pack UPC Universal Product Code of a Warehouse Pack
Sls ABDM Authorized By Distribution Method DSD states use the Mod Flag from Retail Link to track authorized stores (Traited/Valid not applicable for DSD Item Numbers) **VAP items are not 'Authorized' so you will need to use '0' in filter to view these items ***non-DSD states use Trait Flag to track authorized stores
Sls Brand Product Brand
Sls Cat Product Category
Sls CE Divisor Case Equivalent Divisor
Sls Current HO Retail Home Office Retail (Price? Cost?)
Sls Days Number of Days that have passed in the current week
Sls Days OH Number of days On Hand
Sls Days OOS Number of Days OOS in the current week
Sls Hist On Hand Qty Historical On Hand Quantity
Sls Mod An integer representation of 'Modular Items Flag' i.e. 1 or 0
Sls Modular Items Flag Represents whether an item is on display; value is either "M" or ""
Sls POS Qty Total units Sold for Walmart timeframe selected 
Sls POS Sales Total Sales $ for Walmart timeframe selected
Sls Sat On Hand Qty Sum of Saturday on hand quantity
Sls Sat Qty Sum of Saturday POS unit quantity sold
Sls Sat Sales Sum of Saturday's sales dollars
Sls SI MUMD Qty ??? Store Inventory unit quantity that has been Marked Up or Marked Down 
Sls SI Total MUMD $ ??? Store Inventory dollar quantity that has been Marked Up or Marked Down 
Sls Sls Period Determinant of whether Sales were present at store/item/WM Week level
Sls St State Abbreviation i.e. NH, FL, MO, MS
Sls Store Number Store Number
Sls StoreItemKey KEY:  Concatenate = (Store Number, and Item Nbr)
Sls Sun On Hand Qty Sum of Sunday on hand quantity
Sls Sun Qty Sum of Sundays POS unit quantity sold
Sls Sun Sales Sum of Sunday's sales dollars
Sls Thu On Hand Qty Sum of Thursday on hand quantity
Sls Thu Qty Sum of Thursday POS unit quantity sold
Sls Thu Sales Sum of Thursday's sales dollars 
Sls Traited Is the Item Traited at WM Location
Sls Tue On Hand Qty Sum of Tuesday on hand quantity
Sls Tue Qty Sum of Tuesday POS unit quantity sold
Sls Tue Sales Sum of Tuesday's sales dollars 
Sls UOM Unit of Measure
Sls Valid Is the Item Valid at WM Location
Sls Wed On Hand Qty Sum of Wednesday on hand quantity
Sls Wed Qty Sum of Wednesday POS unit quantity sold
Sls Wed Sales Sum of Wednesday's sales dollars 
Sls WM Week Walmart Week 
SlssStat Sls%ChgL4 Percentage of Sales Change for the last 4 Walmart weeks
SlssStat SlsChg Sales Change for selected Walmart timeframe
SlssStat Status Active Status
StoreTraitDesc Trait Category Walmart assigned Category Geographic Traits by category
StoreTraitDesc Trait Description Walmart assigned Category Graphics traits description
StoreTraitDesc Trait Long Description Walmart assigned Category Graphics traits description
StoreTraits Store Nbr Walmart Store Number
Wrhse Active Whse Pack Qty Whse Ordered ??? Warehouse pack that was ordered by the warehouse 
Wrhse Active Whse Pack Qty Whse Received ??? Warehouse pack received that was ordered by the warehouse 
Wrhse Curr Whse On Hand Qty Sum of Warehouse on hand quantity
Wrhse Curr Whse SS Order Qty Current order quantity for specific store from Warehouse
Wrhse Item Nbr Walmart Item Number  
Wrhse UPC Item UPC - eaches
Wrhse VNPK Cost the Cost Walmart pays for the vendor pack
Wrhse WHPK Cost the Cost Walmart pays for the Warehouse pack
Wrhse WHPK Qty Total quantity shipped to the store in each warehouse pack
Wrhse Whse Name Name of Walmart Warehouse
Wrhse Whse Nbr Warehouse Number
Wrhse Whse Received Qty Warehouse packs received at the Warehouse
Wrhse Whse State State Warehouse is located
ClientAttributes ASM Area Sales Manager
ClientAttributes Brand Product Brand
ClientAttributes BU_Region Custom Field for Sales Region
ClientAttributes Key Used in relationship to connect to the Sls fact table
ClientAttributes WM Store Nbr

Wal Mart Store Number

Performance Trend Measure Case Equivalent

calculation for 9L is to multiply the units by the unit of measure and divide by 9,000.