Walmart Glossary

Common terminology used by Walmart:

Trait Description Definition 
ABDM = Authorized by Distribution Method
  • Refers to a classification used to determine product authorization based on the distribution channel.
    •  DSD states use the Mod Flag to track authorized stores (Traited/Valid not applicable for DSD Item Numbers).
    • VAP items are not 'Authorized' so you will need to use '0' in the filter to view these items.
    • Non-DSD states use Trait Flags to track authorized stores.
Negative Markup
  • Where the cost of a product exceeds its retail price. 
Store Specific Retail = SS Retail
  • The retail price displayed reflects the pricing specific to an individual store, rather than a uniform price applied across all locations. This price may differ from the Home Office Retail pricing. 
Home Office Retail = HO Retail 
  • Retail price set by the Walmart home office.
  • The store currently has no record of this item being in its inventory. As a result, the item will continue to appear as out of stock until it is scanned and registered in the store's system.
Out of Stock - OOS
  • The item has previously been stocked in the store but is now out of inventory and not on the shelf.
  • Typically, if an item remains out of stock or has no record of being in the store for 6 weeks, it will revert to a "void" status.
Modular Flag - M
  • In DSD states, the Mod Flag from Scintilla is utilized to identify whether a product is authorized for a specific store. 
  • In DSD states, classifications like "Traited" or "Valid" are not applicable for DSD products. Instead, the Mod Flag is used as the sole indicator to track authorized stores for DSD items.

Negative On Hands- Neg OH
  • Units with a Negative on Hand are considered out of stock. The distributor or supplier must work with the store or department manager to audit and update the inventory. In states that require a forecast, this issue must be resolved in order for the system to generate the forecast and ensure the items are restocked in the store.
  • For stores located in warehouse and control states, Walmart must initiate a forecast to ensure the item is delivered and accepted at the store.
  • The forecast is organically generated based on the rate of sale, using sales data to formulate future demand. If an item does not have a forecast in these states, it is essential to collaborate with the Walmart replenishment team to establish one, particularly for new items.
Zero On Hand Zero On Order - ZeroOHOO
  • There is no physical inventory of the item currently in the store or warehouse.
  • There are no pending orders for the item in the system, meaning no replenishment is scheduled or expected.
  • ZeroOHOO is applicable to Warehouse (Whse) and Control States and not applicable to DSD states.
No Movement - NoMvmt
  • The store has on hand units but no sales for that item for 4+ weeks.
Valid - V
  • In warehouse states (types 20 and 37), the Valid (V) designation is used to identify items that are both authorized and active by Walmart's home office and have been accepted by the store manager.

  • The Store managers have the autonomy to deactivate (or "turn off") items at the store level, even if those items have been authorized or "traited" by the home office. This provides flexibility to meet the specific needs of individual stores while maintaining overall compliance with the company's product authorizations.

Traited - T
  • A Trait flag (T) is used in warehouse states (types 20 and 37).  It is used to flag authorized or active items in the store. Walmart's home office recognizes this as an accepted or approved item for warehouse states.
Store Count
  • Store count refers to the number of stores that have sold a particular item within the selected timeframe. Please note, this is different from a POD (Point of Distribution), which refers to the specific locations where the product is distributed or made available, regardless of sales activity.
  • Markup is the amount added to the cost price to determine the selling price. Calculated by (store retail - store cost)/store cost. This metric is only available in Scintilla NIQ Activate.
Minimum Markup
  • Is applicable for states that have a mandated minimum mark up.
  • Margin is the difference between retail and cost.  Calculation: (store retail - store cost)/store retail. This metric is only available in Scintilla NIQ Activate.
  • Cost of the unit sold to Walmart
Walmart Fiscal Year
  • The Walmart Fiscal year is from February 1st to January 31st
Timeframe: Current Week
  • The current Walmart Week. WM Week= Saturday-Friday
Timeframe: Last Week
  • Full version of the WM week end
Timeframe: Last 4 Weeks
  • The 4 weeks prior to the current week (will not include current week)
Timeframe: Last 13 Weeks
  • The 13 weeks prior to the current week (will not include current week)
Timeframe: Last 26 Weeks
  • The 26 weeks prior to the current week (will not include current week)
Timeframe: Last 52 Weeks
  • The 52 weeks prior to the current week (will not include current week)
Timeframe: Calendar WTW
  • Calendar Week to Week
Timeframes: FYTW
  • Fiscal Year to Week
Timeframe: Full FY
  • Full Fiscal Year
Timeframe: CYTW
  • Calendar Year to Week
Timeframe: Supplier FYTW
  • Supplier Fiscal Year to Week
Timeframe: Supplier Full FY
  • Supplier Full Fiscal Year
Timeframe: FMTW
  • Fiscal Month to Week
Timeframe: FQTW
  • Fiscal Quarter to Week 
Average Units per Store per Week -Avg U/Str
  • Average Units per Store per Week (Avg U/Str) refers to the average number of units sold per store over the course of a week.
  • Accounted for weeks with and/or without 0's.  Without zeros, is not factoring weeks that item was not sold or there was no inventory. 
Average $ per Store per Week -Avg $/Str
  • Average $ per Store per Week (Avg $/Str) refers to the average dollar amount of sales generated by a specific product or category at each store per week.
  •  Accounted for weeks with and/or without 0's.  Without zeros, is not factoring weeks that item was not sold or there was no inventory. 
On Hands - OH
  • The number of units that are on the shelf or in the store.  
Order Book - OB
  • Applicable to warehouse and control state.  Not applicable to DSD, type 7 states
In Transit - IT
  • Applicable to warehouse and control state.  Not applicable to DSD, type 7 states
OOS Lost Sales Calculation
  • The calculation is taking each specific item/store combination, dividing last 4-week units (or sales) sold by the days on hand the last 4 weeks, then multiplying by the # of days out of stock for the current week.
  • The lost sales or lost units evaluates each item/store combination to determine the impact it has by being out of stock for a single day.
Item Numbers
  • A Walmart-generated number is assigned to a distributor for a particular UPC.
  • The item number identifies the distributor who will be delivering an item.
  • Item Numbers give the ability to:
    • Track whom to pay for deliveries
    • Independent pricing
    • Sales reporting by the distributor
9L Case Equivalence          

The calculation for 9L is to multiply the units by the unit of measure and divide by 9,000. 

= (750ml*8,401 units)/9,000 = 700.8 9L case equivalent

SWAS Store within a Store.  


Front End Transformation


Available to Sell


Current Replenishment Pricing


Timeframe to include October, November, and December (can be SOND to include September)


Weeks on shelf


Sales Per Point of Distribution


Value Added Package.  Use filters on the right to identify.  Type 7 

Index Avg $ per store relative to other stores nationally for that selection