What's the Difference Between "Share of Selection" and "Share of Geography"?

The total dollars or volume that a brand/item is being compared to will be affected by filters like Package Size Group and Beer Style with Share of Selection, but won't be affected with Share of Geography.

The CMA's "C&R" dashboard includes two different ways of examining share %. "Share of Selection" and "Share of Geography" will both be affected by changes made to the GEOGRAPHY filter and the TIME PERIOD filters, as well as the SEGMENT filter (in Beer CMAs), the WINE CATEGORY filter (in Wine CMAs) and the SPIRITS CATEGORY filter (in Spirits CMAs). Adjustments made to any other filters will affect "Share of Selection" only and will not affect "Share of Geography". 

For example, if the timeframe in your Beer CMA is set to "L52W" (Last 52 Weeks), the selected geography is "Total US-Multi Outlet", and the SEGMENT filter is narrowed down just "Craft", the total dollar sales that any item's sales are being compared to for both Share of Selection and Share of Geography will be the sales generated by all Craft items in the 52 week time period in Total US-Multi Outlet.

When any additional filters are being utilized to narrow down the scope of the data , only Share of Selection will be affected (Share of Geography won't change). For instance, if you’re tracking the Cigar City Jai Alai IPA, and you filter down to “6ct 11-13oz” in the PACKAGE SIZE GROUP filter, Share of Selection will show you the share % of only Jai Alai 6pk sales compared only to other 6pks in the Craft Segment.

In contrast, Share of Geography will continue to display the share % of the Jai Alai 6pk's sales as compared to all craft item sales, not just 6pks.